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Our Signature Ingredients

Meticulous care goes into choosing its signature ingredients, whose quality, provenance, and authenticity of flavours become inherent in each new creation.

Fruit picked at just the right time

Our fruits are harvested from the most beautiful orchards, lush fields, and abundant plantations. Italy, Spain, Morocco, and Turkey offer us their subtly flavoured fruits, gorged by Mediterranean sunshine. In America, we pick our exotic fruits below the equator. The hot and humid tropical climate and ample sunshine give the fruits—filled with juice and flavour—their character.

Milk Products

Maison Riviera develops its dairy products using 3 different kinds of milk, all of which come from the rich farmland of the Lac Saint-Pierre Valley: regular cow’s milk, organic cow’s milk, and goat’s milk.

For Maison Riviera, processing milk products is comparable to the science of winemaking. Just like with wine, milk processing relies on micro-organisms and cultures. This ancestral conservation method transforms the lactose in milk into lactic acid, allowing the dairy products’ taste, texture, and benefits (probiotics) to be developed to their full richness. From velvety, round in the mouth, and mild for yogourts, to full-bodied, nutty, and creamy for cheeses, Maison Riviera puts great care into revealing all the subtleties of its products.

Coconut milk

In order to create a coconut based yogurt alternative that meets the company’s highest standards of quality, we partnered with a grower of healthy, sustainable, and fairly produced coconuts, as well as with a trusted food processor.

Creating a plant-based collection: after several attempts with our developers, we found the perfect balance between the high vegetable protein content of peas—optimizing the texture provided by the faba beans—and the rich flavours of exotic fruits. The result is an absolutely unique recipe that manages to replicate the creamy consistency of yogurt, combining its tropical flavours with the delicate taste of coconut.

Maison Riviera Dairy Desserts Parfait

European Refinement

Our Products

Maison Riviera Yogourt Vegan Delight mango and passion fruit 500 g
Maison Riviera Yogourt Vegan Delight raspberry and blackcurrant 500 g
Maison Riviera Yogourt Vegan Delight pineapple and coconut 500 g
Maison Riviera Vanilla 40% Less Sugar 0% M.F. Greek Yogourt 750 g
Maison Riviera Plain No Sugar added 0% M.F. Greek Yogourt 750 g